Last New Years eve, I swore that this year would be better. That only good things would happen, that I would have the strength to make it through all of the bad stuff. Well, the only thing I was right about, was the strength. Although sometimes I don't think that was what it was. I simply just kept moving I dodnt havea choice. On those days where I literally felt like I was out of my mind, You cant even describe the feeling of being so incredibly overwhelmed. I have changd in so many ways. The last two years have shaped me into who I am now. 3 years ago I would have NEVER thought that I would lose my mom and dad in less than 6 months. Sometimes I just panic when I realize that its real life. Its not a bad dream. Like I said in yesterdays post, I am very excited about the year to come and I have no expectations. The only plan I have is to live life. We only get ONE go. As hard as it is sometimes, we must make it a beautiful life, try to see the beauty in everything and Thank God for what we have!
Just a few randoms from the year!