Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dear sweet Nora

Dear sweet Nora,
   I can hardly believe that you are going to be one year old next week. Where did the time go? So much has happened in the past year. Sometimes I feel like I was moving so fast, that I never took the time to sit down and really enjoy my sweet baby.  You have been a dream my dear!  Of course when you were born you came with some hip issues, but we got those all worked out! You have been a beautiful sleeper. From about 2 weeks old you started sleeping through the night. The pediatrician told us we should wake you up and feed, we didn't! You could very well be the prettiest little girl that I have ever laid eyes on. I'm not just saying that either. People will stop us in public to tell us how beautiful you are. You look a lot like Noah, but more like a little lady. Of course God just could not give me a baby with hair! Oh, you had hair when you were born, but that was about it. Now, you have about 2 inches of fuzz in the back and a line of short fuzz on top. I cannot wait for the day that I can give you a ponytail! You wont walk. I cannot tell you how obnoxious that is. You do not want to be held and you cannot just crawl around everywhere in public! You just have no desire to do it.
     I cannot tell you how incredibly lucky I am to have you. You came at a time when I needed you the most. In the first year of your life, you lost your Grandma and Grandpa to cancer. It was such a traumatizing experience to go through, but you made it better. You made my life better. I think everyday about how your Grandma would just die if she could see how beautiful you are. She always wanted to buy you sparkly shoes. But she never got to. My heart aches that they never really knew you.  I am thinking God though that you are here. That you are mine and that you are an angel to me. You really were a gift from God my sweet baby, and I love you so much "Nora Jean". Oh, and lets not forget Noah. He really does love you, he just refuses to call you by your name. You poor thing, hopefully you do not grow up thinking your name is "Dora". Ugh. I don't love that. Again Nora, thank you for saving me when I needed you the most. I love you sweet baby. You are my sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing on the waterworks! Geez! =P I love Nora, too! She is beautiful just like her Momma, Grandma, and Aunt.
    I can't wait to celebrate Nora's 1st year!
