Thursday, March 6, 2014

One of THOSE days...

Today was one of those days. The kind that works your nerves. The kind of day where it starts off bad and you pray like crazy that it won't get worse. It was the kind of day that I find it mentally impossible to even be nice to my kids because every word they say is them trying to test me. I hate these days because I feel like a terrible mother. I just want ONE second to myself to walk upstairs without someone behind me screaming to pick them up. Or the moment they get quiet is quickly interrupted by someone screaming bloody murder because one of them took the others toy. It just wasn't a good day. But tomorrow will be better. I pray that God gives me the knowledge and patience to deal with the silly shortcomings of my day. My kids are a gift and I want them to know that even when they make me want to run away screaming and pulling out my hair....I love them with every ounce of my being. 

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