Thursday, March 29, 2012

The good times are hard to remember sometimes...

What a crazy roller coaster ride life is these days for us. The last few weeks have been full of terrible news and nothing but doom and gloom. Today, us and my Aunt and Uncle met up with my dads oncologist to get the real story since we had so many doctors telling us all kinds of different things. Well, it was very optimistic and we are hoping to get another couple good years out of him. I'm so proud of my dad. I know that if I were him, I would give up...and maybe he has and is just putting up a front for all of us. He just has such a positive attitude and is willing to do everything the doctors are telling him. I realize that this is a long hard struggle and believe me when I say that there are not alot of things harder to do that to watch your parents suffer and to see that disgusting disease just eat away at them. It literally breaks your heart. Like I said, I'm very proud of him and I'm going to pray very hard for the better news to keep coming.
   Aside from that, Jason, my sister and I spent all last night at mom and dads house going through some things and getting stuff organized. The thing that bothered me the most was seeing my moms beautiful garden in the backyard, overgrown, and lifeless. That backyard has so many memories. All of the nights we would sit there and lose track of time just talking about what we did all did when we were young and got away with...and hearing stories of old girlfriends and boyfriends! So many good times. It was almost haunting to go back there. I took a few pictures to try to have memories of it, but they just don't even compare to how beautiful it was. Anywho, I just thought I would share with friends and get some things off my mind! Its back to work I go tomorrow! Have a beautiful night. xo



Monday, March 26, 2012

Beautiful weather

the pretty tree in my backyard

Hello friends! I hope that everyone had a beautiful weekend. The weather here in the STL is just beautiful and we are doing everything we can to take advantage of it. We got out this weekend to get some pictures done of  Jason and I , and spent most of Sunday shopping and having  dinner with our good friends. Sunday evening we finally finished the office/library and I made myself a cozy little corner where I can read. write, or just sit and stare out the window to zone out. The trees outside in our yard are just gorgeous and I think that this weather is putting me in a better mood It is also really helping me to focus on all of the amazing things around me and the wonderful people in my life. Despite all of the tragic situations surrounding my life right now, I feel like a very blessed girl when it comes to my family and friends. I believe that surrounding yourself with people that truly make you happy and are there for you no matter what, is the key to finding true friendship. I just love all of my girlfriends! (you all know who you are! ) My husband, children, sister, and extended family are also a true blessing. I love you guys more than words, and I know that there is no way I would still be sane if It was not for all of you. I hope everyone also had a lovely weekend, and if you get a second, please stop and say a prayer for my family. God has a plan ..I just know it and perhaps one day I will understand. xo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Old family photos are my FAVORITE!!

   A couple of years ago my great Aunt brought my mom a box FULL of old pictures of my family. After my mom passed, I was desperate to get my hands on that box! I absolutly love looking at old pictures. I feel kind of bad because I dont know who all of the people in the pictures are. It is just yet another reason I wish my mom were here. She loved looking at these pictures with me and knew who everyone was. Perhaps I will just need to take a little roadtrip to Florida where my Aunt lives and find out....ANYWAYS, Im having a little trouble trying to figure out what I want to do with them! I would love to scrapbook them but holy moly there are just so many of them. I just need to figure something out insted of them just sitting in boxes in a corner of my family room. Any ideas are welcome! Like I said, there are tons, but here are a few that stood out to me.

On the left, is my Grandpas mom and dad on their 50th wedding anniversary! The right, is my Grandpa when he was in the war.
I love this of my mom and grandma. the picture of my mom on the right, reminds me of the little boy from A Christmas Story!  ADORABLE!

I just think this picture is so lovely. My Grandpa and Grandpa

The scrapbook that my Grandpa had when he was in the war.
It is crazy how things have changed.
Scrapbooks just dont look like they used too!

This is my Beautiful Grandma! (my moms mom)

I hope you all enjoy the pictures as much as I do! xo Carolyn

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thrifting and picnics!

Growing up, I remember that my Grandma would keep my sister and I some days during summer break. I remember that we always wanted to go to the thrift store with her. My Grandma pretty much only buys her clothes there and I never really understood why. As I got older, it became not so cool anymore and I used to dread when she would say that she found the "cutest top that is sooo you"  It usually was huge or had a big stain on it that would "come right out!"I never really appreciated any of those clothes.  My mind changed after a trip to a little boutique in old town Florissant that sells resale.  I fell in love with clothes that have a story. I realize it sounds silly, but vintage or resale is awesome because it does have a story, a history. I got a beautiful necklace that is older than old and I LOVE it. The colors are amazing, and I love that it perhaps has a story. I also purchaced a vintage wiggle dress that makes my heart very happy! Anyways, I just wanted to let all those out there that think its gross or not ok to buy someone elses used clothes that its very cool... and just remember that there may very well be a great story behind a dress or necklace. You never know!
  Aside from thrifting, we took a much needed small break from reality today and had a picnic under the tree in the backyard! The colors are just gorgeous and its such a waste to not get out and enjoy this weather. Of course Nora spilled my water all over  the blanket which almost did my camera in, and Noah rubbed blueberries all over the place. But all in all it was a success. Praying that God keeps this beautiful weather coming! Hope everyone else is haveing a happy Wednesday! xo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making changes

Hello everyone! I am so very excited about this new project! I have been inspired by so many things in the past few months to start this blog. All of the beautiful blogs out there that I have been stalking lately, my newfound LOVE for taking pictures, my recent resale shopping obsession, and I basically just want to share things that I love. With all of the huge changes that are happening in my life right now (some not so good) I am happy to find something that I can do that will allow me to focus on the things in life that make me happy. I hope that all of you can stop by now and then and check out some things that will hopefully put a smile on your face just like they do mine! Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday! xo