I cant even begin to tell you how gorgeous the weather has been here. Not what I am used to at all! Normally I am getting out the coats and sweaters and the days of sundresses and flip flops are pretty much long gone. Here, not so much. I knew that living in the south it would be warmer, but I didn't realize that it would be huge difference. I figured a few degrees. All week has been in the 70's and as I write this, its a fabulous 72 degrees and a slow and steady rain is coming down. I love it. I was also afraid that the trees would be much to look at when fall came around. To my surprise, they are also gorgeous. Of course they change WAY later here than they do back in STL. And its not all of them. Those huge live oaks are still just as green and gorgeous with their Spanish moss. I love it. You go to the Lowe's, and they still have all of their outdoor section open with all of their flowers still in full bloom. the farmers markets are still going on too. I was a bit nervous about leaving a real winter, but let me tell you, this is so much less depressing. I can actually get outside and let the kids go nuts. I'm just loving it here. No regrets.
Jealous!! It's cold and rainy here :( I'm glad you're doing well; miss you!